So, depending on how you slice the numbers, the U.S. war effort in Iraq will cost U.S. tax payers around one trillion dollars or more. ONE TRILLION DOLLARS! Now, I’m not the first person to think of this, but I just can’t stop thinking about it: What else could we have done with that amount of money??

The poor U.S. administration has given us one feeble answer to the question of how to spend $1,000,000,000,000. You can find a few more ideas in What $1.2 Trillion Can Buy by David Leonhardt, NY Times, 17 Jan 2007. But I think you and I can do even better! I challenge you to look around you and get greedy. Give our leadership a few more options to consider when it goes to blow its wad in the future!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Here it goes! One trillion dollars.

To post your suggested uses of $1,000,000,000,000, please post a comment to this entry.

Let me start with the obvious. With 300 million people in the US, we could just flat out write a check for $3,333 to every man woman and child alive in the country today. But wait, that's not a wise use of money! Let's invest that trillion at an average of 10% return and make yearly payouts without squandering the principle. We could write a check for $333 every year to every US citizen.
Money is nice and all, but neither of these options excites me too much. I want to hire some consultants to come up with better ideas. At a salary of $100,000 for a year's worth of ideas, I could hire 10 million people. That's a lot of ideas.


Mister Principles said...

500 million clowns.

If a hot clown performance runs $2000 (I'm talking balloon animals, unicycles, fire juggling-- the works, baby!) we could unleash an unholy army of clowns. Even where US military mite has failed, 500 million clowns would scare the pants off any adversary.

Anonymous said...

7.14 million MBA graduates trained in corporate social responsibility.

$20K a year at the Presidio School of Management to get an MBA in sustainable management, with $50K/year on top for living expenses, for two years = $140,000

Mister Principles said...

Form Satan Inc., a giant conglomerate to keep all our nation's evil under one roof. For starters: Exxon Mobil (market capitalization of $430.19B), Walmart ($193.70B), Microsoft ($270.66B) and Halliburton ($31.28B). That leaves $74B to spare, which should be enough to finance the biggest spanking in history.

Mister Principles said...

A fulltime massage for me and 31,708 friends from now until we die.

My lower back hurts and I could use a massage. In fact, the world could use a massage. Given an average rate of $1-per-minute, all 6 billion people on earth could get 2 hours and 45 minutes of massage. My spine tingles.

But I'm feeling greedy and I only want bliss for me and my friends. Assuming my friends will, on average, live 60 more years (31,536,000 minutes), I can invite 31,708 friends to get a massage with me from this minute forward until the day we die. I think my sacrum just melted.

Mister Principles said...

Jesus and his $1,365,000-per-day savings.

Let's say Jesus wanted to save his allowance so he would have a trillion dollars today. Every day since birth (2007 years ago * 365 days/year = 732,555 days), he would have to tuck $1,365,000 under his pillow. Does his father make that kind of money?

Interestingly, his wise father believes in the power of compounding interest. At 2% interest, Jesus would have had to invest only 5.5 millionths of a dollar in year 0 to get a trillion today.